In a vibrant metropolis where diverse cultures intertwine, Grand Hyatt Jakarta stands tall as a beacon of hospitality. Here, we had the opportunity to sit down with Denisa N. Febriyanti, commonly known as Denisa, a 2020 Gemasian, who brought with her a unique perspective and a rich tapestry of traditions throughout her internship experience. Join us as we dive into Denisa’s story and experience at one of Jakarta’s most esteemed establishments.
Hi Denisa! Where are you taking your current internship? What’s your position?
Hi there! I’m taking an internship at Grand Hyatt Jakarta as a Human Resources Trainee.
Why are you interested in applying for this internship? What motivated you?
Honestly, before being accepted into the English Studies program at Unpad, I was interested in studying hospitality and tourism. When I saw an opportunity to join Grand Hyatt Jakarta as a trainee, I decided to register myself while waiting for a response to my other application at Kampus Merdeka. I was drawn to Grand Hyatt Jakarta as it is a part of the Hyatt Hotels Corporation, an international five-star hotel company. Being a part of such a prestigious company is both exciting and challenging for me.
May we know the job desks you have?
As we know, the Human Resources Department, or HR, is responsible for employee recruitment, hiring, onboarding, training, firing, and administering employee benefits. And that’s all that I do, either. I start by helping the Personnel division sort CVs and call candidates for interviews. I also assist with various employee activities and provide support to the associates. Additionally, I participate in the Learning & Development division for various training programs for all departments. I help prepare all the necessary materials, make invitation posters for each activity which will later be shown on TV screens at the hotel, and even create social media posts after the activities. As an English Studies major, I am responsible for creating captions for Grand Hyatt Jakarta’s LinkedIn posts for any activities. Moreover, I have been given the task of providing career tips to other trainees during their orientation program. Furthermore, I am responsible for creating a syllabus for their training activities.
How long is the internship period?
This internship program offers two types of periods: a two-month period and a six-month period. I enrolled for the longer duration and am currently enrolled in the six-month program, which started in February and will run until August.
How has your internship experience been so far? Do you ever face any obstacles or unexpected challenges perhaps? If so, how did you overcome it?
It is amazing! Even though I am only a trainee, it does not feel like it. Everyone treats me with kindness and a smile on their face, and they are willing to teach me a lot of new things that I have not known before. My internship program is a part of my journey, and I believe that every journey has its own obstacles. For me, the first month of my internship was challenging because I had trouble differentiating between some departments and was unfamiliar with several terms used in the hotel industry. To overcome this struggle, I asked my supervisor for help, took notes, and read a lot.
What have you learned from the internship that maybe you can apply to your future career?
Interning in the HR department has given me a wealth of valuable insights and practical experience that I can apply to my future career. Through my internship, I have gained exposure to the recruitment and hiring process, which has equipped me with skills in resume screening, interviewing, and candidate selection. I have also had the opportunity to work on employee relations, training activities, relations with another hotel, and more, which has developed my problem-solving and communication skills. This internship has provided me with a strong foundation that I can use to pursue my dream job in any industry.
Were there any knowledge from English Studies courses that helped you or you have applied during your internship?
As I mentioned before, the Director of Human Resources has entrusted me with the responsibility of creating captions for Grand Hyatt Jakarta’s LinkedIn posts for every activity they organize. Thanks to the writing classes I had on campus, I feel confident in my ability to complete these tasks successfully.
Lastly, do you have any advice or tips that you would give for other Gemasians who are considering taking an internship?
I highly encourage you to take on an internship program without fear. Use this opportunity to absorb as much knowledge as possible from your workplace, establish valuable connections, and always strive to maintain a positive reputation. Remember that the skills and experience gained from an internship can greatly benefit your future career path, so make the most of it!