In this era, it is essential to acknowledge the importance of learning and gaining experience. Students have the right to obtain a clear understanding of how far their personal potential…
Come here, quick—the awaited announcement is finally being made known! As another chapter of the tale unfolds, the universe weaves a remarkable fate solely for the chosen ones to encounter.…
The Top 3 Winners of Poetry Reading Competition ft. The Judges After a long time of preparation, ideas were finally expressed, stories were told, and thoughts were shared. To bring…
Sephia’s Speech in Asian-African Conference Model 2023 "PUBLIC SPEAKING? GOD–That's a total nightmare," some people would think like that. This is normal because you will speak in front of many…
Gemasi is inviting all Gemasians to join as board members! Read more to see what are the available positions and the job descriptions. See you in the Gemasi Board! Available…
PENGISIAN BIODATA Ada guideline/ketentuan pas isi biodata gaa? Saat mengisi nama di pendaftaran, jangan lupa untuk memakai huruf kapital di tiap kata di nama kamu. Contoh : Nama Panjang Kamu✅,…